It is about an hour before midnight on election eve. In about 8 hours, I will cast my vote for the year. I have come to terms with the reality that the person I will vote for to be the next president will likely loose this election. It is a sobering thought.
I have two planned if McCain wins and one if Obama does.
I will give Obama a chance if he wins. I will not gloat if he does not succeed.
I give either man only a chance at one term for the following reasons.
-This economy will take 3 to 5 years to recover. It will not be enough time for the next president to look successful. There will even be many pundits who will say that the new president has made it worse. I have one thing to say to these's congress and not our president who controls fiscal policy.
-Expectations are too high for Obama.
-McCain DOES look old and feeble. In retrospect, McCain should be the outgoing president not running for office right now.
Please vote, even if your guy will not win.
The next four years for me, regardless of who wins this presidential election will be about getting new republican senators from the State of Utah.