One of the eleven democrats who voted against the huge stimulus bill in the house was Utah's Jim Matheson. So far, the entire Utah delegation has voted it down even though it will add about 1 billion to our badly strapped state budget. I think that even when the house and senate differences are ironed out, our state delegation will still be 5 to 0 against. I don't hear our governor or any state legislature members complaining about that. Why? This is the sort of thing that is a loose/loose situation for our well-managed state, especially for a governor who's star is on the rise.
I just filed my 2008 taxes. Because I am working on a Masters degree and my wife is working on a Bachelors degree, our entire tax liability was wiped out by tax credits. We have three children. There was a little 2000 withheld from my pay checks this year, and I am getting over 5000 in return. I am going to say no to extra 3000 that I am getting from the Federal government this year just because I am a fiscal conservative? I am saying a prayer of gratitude to my grandchildren...the ones who are actually pay for this.
Then no, I am not going to condem the state or the governor for the 1 billion that they are getting from the federal government. I'm certain, however, that if Mr. Huntsman becomes the GOP nominee for president in 2012, it will come up. But what would Jesus do? Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. In 2012, that will be very few of us.
Finally, there is something that I wanted to say to all the conservatives who stayed home on election day because the wanted to teach the GOP party a lesson. Thank you. The joke is on you now. Do you really think that John McCain would have pushed a trillion dollar stimulus package through congress? Do you think that John McCain would have allowed your federal taxpayer dollars to support abortion overseas? Do you think that John McCain would have allowed the mastermind of the USS Cole bombing to go free and then apologize to the families of our dead sailors the next day? Do you think that John McCain would have cancelled the Afghanistan troop surge? Do you really think that John McCain would have put America's overseas image ahead of your safety? Do you think that John McCain would have built a frisbee golf course in Austin and called it economic stimulus? So if you are unhappy now, don't blame me...I voted.