So I have changed to format of this blog. Today, I will speak about the future of our great state by addressing what I expect from our current Lieutenant Governor, and the perspective replacement for the very popular Jon M Huntsman, Jr.
Before becoming the Lt. Gov. Herbert was a Utah County Commissioner for 14 years and also server as president of the Utah Association of Realtors. He is a real estate agent by profession.
Are there concerns about Herbert? Yes. When Huntsman was trying to get the GOP nomination in 2004, there were concerns that he was too moderate for Utah. Nolan Karros, who what running against Huntsman, Fred Lampropolis and Governor Olene Walker for the nomination surprised the electorate by selecting a running mate early. He chose former Congresswoman Enid Greene (nee Waldholst). This forced Huntsman and Lampropolis to quickly make their selections before they were ready. Herbert was choosen to resolve concerns that Huntsman was too moderate for Utah.
The concern is that Herbert is too conservative, even for Utah. His voting record as a Utah County Commissioner do not support this charge. Getting a running made from Utah County was a wise move for Huntsman and helped him get passed his rivals. Utah County, fiscally, is not known for being frugal or known for having the lowest property taxes in the region. But Utah County is known for being a bastion of social conservatism as many believe that some of these ideas are congruent with family values.
From a fiscal standpoint, I do not expect Herbert to vary much from what Huntsman has done. Utah is one of the best managed states in the US not just because of the Governor, but because of all the people in state government. But there are rumors of disagreements between the Governor's staff and Lt Gov's staff over social issues. Huntsman has been