I finally saw one, and I knew that it was coming. A bumper sticker that said, "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for the American."
I am not happy about this kind of rhetoric. Why? The original bumper sticker "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Bush" were aimed at those who voted for H. Ross Perot in 1992. John McCain did not loose the last election because a third party candidate stole votes away from him. Second, it flames hatred in Politics. Here is the chain of hatred, as I see it.
Hatred against Lyndon Johnson for the Vietnam war gave us Richard Nixon.
Anger against Gerald Ford for his pardoning of Nixon gave us Jimmy Carter.
Anger against Carter for a weekend military and a poor economy gave us Ronald Reagan.
Anger against George H Bush for tax increases caused GOP defections for Perot that gave us Clinton.
Anger against Clinton gave us W.
Hatred for W gave us Obama.
We will not get a good president through anger and hatred. Focus that anger against your representatives in the House and against your senators. Here in Utah, focus your anger and Hatch, Bennett, Matheson and Bishop. Hold their feet to the fire. Make them understand that they represent you in Congress. Make your voice heard.
Then let's work to get a positive candidate for President in 2012. But remember, we have another election before then.