I have mixed feelings about capping the pay of executives at bailed out firms. I think that we need to keep in mind that no one gives money without strings attached, and the Federal Government should be no exception. However, one consequence of this action will be a brain drain at these firms. That will be a negative consequence for TARP recipients. But if these executives leave these companies and start their own firms, it could be a positive for all of the rest of us. If you can get the capital, this may be the best time in since the start of the Second World War to create a new company. Real estate prices and interest rates are low. As is the price of just about anything else you would need to go into business. Plus there are plenty of smart and hard working people unemployed who would accept a position with a start of firm that normally would stay away from this type of enterprise. Normally, I would be against the Obama administration, or any government agency taking this action, but this time, I say OK. It could turn out to be the one thing that get's this economy moving.
Let me also say that I am totally against government intrusion into the content of information on the Internet. These type of controls are scary in the hands of either Democrats or Republicans. The internet is the one truly free media in this country. It is both a dangerous and and wonderful thing. Let's leave it alone and not deal with the consequences of letting the government control it.
Finally, let me repeat my healthcare talking points. Pulbic healthcare is welfare for everyone. We are addicted to insurance, to really be a free market system, we need to pay cash for everything we can. We need more doctors, nurses, physicians assistants and pharmacists. Tort reform will stop endless unnecessary medial testing. Bring the invincible population into the insurance family. Don't cross the line between delaying death and extending life. Stop using the ER as your primary care physician. Let people who can not pay their bills work off their medical debt through public service.