Once again I approach the convention sure that there will be some surprises, as usual. The convention next Saturday will have the eyes of the nation upon it, as one of the more interesting inter-party battles looms. Bob Bennett is in the political battle of his life. I It is a battle that I believe he will loose. I intend to hold him accountable, not for TARP, but for the inaction that made it necessary. We must remember that it was the GOP that help both houses of congress from 1994 to 2006 and the white house from 2001 to 2009. It may be true that the table was set for TARP long before this, but the GOP controlled congress neglected to act when storm clouds were on the horizon.
I will also not be voting for Mike Lee. I find his philosophy too close to Ron Paul. These two men belong on the Libertarian Party, not the GOP. Ditto for Merrill Cook.
Cherilyn Eagar will be my first choice and Tim Bridgewater will be my second. Eagar talks a lot like a talk-show conservative, but will gain a lot of attention the first time she walks on the Senate floor. She is like Palin with a brain.
Tim Bridgewater is more of a good 'ol Utah County GOP guy. Which means that some of his attitudes and policies won't fly north of Sandy. That is why his is my second choice and not my first. Which brings me to my next topic, and the main thing that I disagree with Bridgewater about...
When it comes to immigration, let me put it like this. When Jennifer and I moved to Alaska, we did not yet have any children. So we drove. As I-15 became Canada-2, something happened when I crossed the border. In Sweetgrass, Montana we were Citizens with all of the rights and protections that the US Government could grant us. I was also, at the time, a US Air Force Enlistee, and had to be on extra good behavior over the next three days because something happened when I crossed the border. I was not longer a Citizen, I became a guest of the Dominion of Canada and the British Crown. I surrendered the protection of the US government, as was at the Mercy of the Canadian Government as long as I was on Canada's soil. If I broke the law while in Canada, I was subject to Canadian laws. I had to behave like a good guest, because that is what I was, a guest. When I crossed the border into Alaska, all of the protections of being a US Citizen were returned to me.
People who are not citizens, whether or not they have the proper documentation, are guests of the US Government. If they behave like good guests, we will not ask for papers. That is the way that it should be. Until Congress, and it is the responsibility of Congress to secure our borders, undocumented aliens will be among us. I think that we should be good neighbors to them.