It is scary when KSL's Ethan Millard and I are on the same side of an issue. Either I am wrong or we are both right. In this case, I am standing firm. HB477 is a bad idea and there needs to be some serious consequences for those who have passed it, even those who have changed their mind. They do not belong in government. Let me again quote from the Utah GOP platform:
We demand honesty, integrity, morality, and accountability of our public officials. We will work to
expose and stop corruption.
HB477 is against the Utah GOP platform...the same platform that those who are elected to public office agree to uphold. It is for secrecy. Period. Those who voted for this bill, including Governor Herbert who signed it, need to resign from office and let those who agree to uphold the platform serve in those offices. The only answer is a complete repeal of the bill.
Now the Governor and the House have agreed to special session to consider the repeal of the bill. Both houses of the State Legislature need to vote for this repeal, and if the open records law needs a tweak, then take your time over the next year to work out all of the problems. Perhaps the best policy is an acceptable use policy for all state officials including elected officials. As an Information Systems professional, this is my best advice. In fact, I am willing to volunteer my services, if necessary. Please contact me and I will help. I can provide my resume and references. I will do this free of charge as a public service. But first, let me say that there needs to be an understanding that any communication on a public system is meant for the public, while understanding that legislators need to have private communication with their families.
For your enrichment, here is a list of sponsors for this legislation. Let the letter writing begin. Please contact your state senator or state representative and let them hear you.