In cities all over America, the occupiers are camping out to protest corporate greed in America. The target of their protests are not the men and women who sit in America's boardrooms. They are gunning for political change. It is their belief that there is more than enough money in corporate America to give European-style benefits to Americans and put all out of work Americans to work.
I myself an a victim of corporate greed. I lost my job back in July. The company we worked with chose another vendor based in India. Fortunately, 5 weeks later I was back at work. Because of the severance package I received, I never collected any unemployment. I realize that I was fortunate. I empathize with those who have been unemployed for a long time. I have high hopes that we can get most of America back to work and soon.
The reason why my unemployment was so short this time is because the skills that I possess as a network security engineer are in demand right now. I was able to find a position that I am a good fit for. I had a referral from a friend, and I am grateful for it. If it was not for these two factors, I would be collecting unemployment and likely living with my folks.
But I would not be protesting with the occupiers. The methods they employ will not gain the attention of corporate America. They will still dive past all of the occupiers while riding in the back seats of their limousines and the only reason that they will even know they are there is that they are mentioned in the papers. If you can not find a way to affect the bottom line of a company, you will never get their attention.
Here is the funny thing...the campers had to purchase the equipment that they are using from someone. Some corporate pig somewhere is lighting his cigar right now with the dollar profit made from the sleeping bag that some occupier slept in last night.
The way to get the attention of the Corporate hot dogs is to reduce the number of dollar bills that they stuff in their mattress every night. A boycott is better than a protest. Here is what the occupiers should do instead.
1. Sell your car and use public transportation. If you absolutely need a car, purchase one with the money in your savings account and do not borrow to pay for it.
2. Make your food, clothing and other purchases from locally-owned businesses. And purchase store-brand or white label products. If none are available, then purchase the brand name you least recognize.
3. Do not eat out or even buy pre-packaged meals. As much as you possibly can, make meals from scratch, including breakfast.
4. Live all-cash. Do not go into debt for anything.
5. Use a credit union instead of a bank.
6. Finally, use a small internet provider and VOIP for your phone.
Doing these steps will take your cash from the big companies to smaller companies. Corporate America does not care what you vote for in the ballot box, nor do they care about protesters. When people vote with their wallets, their hard-earned cash and their feet, they listen.
If you really want to punish the evil corporations....move out of the city, buy a farm and become completely self reliant. Grow your own food and your own fuel and make your own clothes.
In the long run, the occupiers and their protests are about people venting their anger and frustration. They are also about exercising their constitutional rights to peaceably assemble and to have a redress of their grievances. I am all for peaceful assembly and thing that everyone has the right to be heard. But this is not the right way to get corporate America to listen. And if this does turn into rioting, then those responsible will get what is coming to them and what they deserve.