The Republican candidates gunning for Mitt Romney are making a big deal about how companies that Bain rescued when Mitt Romney was at the head fired people. Guess what, that is what Private Sector Companies do when they need to cut costs...they will combine departments and eliminate duplication. People are going to lose their jobs.
Guess what...if you think that you are going to balance the federal budget without firing federal employees, think again. It's amazing that Newt Gingrich and the other GOP are giving the impression that the budget can be balanced without payroll cuts. It's not going to happen.
The government is like any business, and the biggest expense is payroll. And politically, that is where much of the savings is going to be realized. GOP candidates preach that we can cut social security without cutting benefits to current retirees. Where is the money going to come from? How about cutting medicaid when health care costs are increasing?
For decades, companies ask managers to do more with less. And now agencies of the federal government will need to follow suit.
Perhaps you can to cut the Department of Education. But you can put it under the Department of Commerce and eliminate duplication. You can put the Department of Homeland Security under the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice. The Department of Labor can also become part of the Department of Commerce. And you can also put Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, and Energy under Commerce as well.
But when you do all of this, you also have to eliminate duplicate jobs or the consolidation will not mean anything. GOP candidates should quit pretending that you can balance the federal budget without eliminating jobs.