Monday, March 12, 2012

How is Mitt Romney not a "True" Conservative.

Here are the differences between Governor Romney's record and the Christian Right of the United State.

1.  Education.  If Romney were a true conservative as governor of Massachusetts, he would have fought for school choice, abstinence-only sex education and replacing the instruction of evolution with either intelligent design or creationism.

2.  Christian Nation.  If Romney were a true conservative, he would realize that the United State was founded by Christians and only true Christians have the right to govern.  He would denounce his membership in the cultist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (ie Mormon Religion) and accepted the true Jesus Christ as his personal savior.

3.  Separation of Church and State.  A true conservative believes that the Separation of Church and State only applies to Congress (Congress shall make no laws...) but not to the states.

4.  Welfare.  A true conservative pushes those who are on welfare to be self-reliant and not to depend upon a system of transfer payments.

5.  Israel.  A true conservative stands firmly with the Nation of Israel in the Middle East and recognizes their right to defend themselves against Islamic extremist.  Romney has not been strong enough in the defense of Israel.

6.   Abortion.  When running for the Senate in Massachusetts, Romney clearly stated that he was pro-choice and conveniently changed his stance when running for President.

7.  Homosexuality.  A true conservative respects traditional marriage and does not accept any alternatives.  Same-sex marriage became law in Massachusetts while Mr. Romney was governor and he-himself issued licenses to same-sex couples.

8.  Health Care.  There is no need for universal health care coverage.  It is simply too expensive.  Therefore, it was wrong for the Governor to sign it into law in Massachusetts.


1.  Education.  Mr. Romney was the Governor of Massachusetts, one of the most liberal, progressive and democratic states in the United State.  Had such a bill been introduced in the legislature, it would have never made it out of committee.  In his speeches, Romney has clearly taken a more conservative side on the issue, arguing for trimming the department of Education and giving more power to the states.  He has not gone so far to state that the federal Department of Education should itself be cut, and that is where most Christian Conservatives disagree with Romney.

2.  Religion.  Mr. Romney makes no apologies for his religious beliefs.

3.  Separation of Church and State.  Another disagreement that will likely not be breached as Romney believes that the separation of Church and State applies at all levels of Government.

4.  Welfare.  Governor Romney's statements on welfare have focused on increasing the quality of life and dignity of the welfare recipient where a Christian Conservative focuses on the need for government to even have a welfare program.

5.  Israel.  Romney has consistently stated that the Arab States should recognize that the Nation of Israel has the right to exist and that the US Taxpayer should not support those whose belief system includes the destruction of the Jewish nation.  He has remained silent on the issue of whether or not Iran should be allowed to have nuclear weapons.

6.  Abortion.  When running for the Senate, Romney stated that he was pro-choice.  Then Kennedy aired an add featuring a former Mormon who Romney counselled to giver her baby up for adoption rather than to have an abortion when he was an LDS Stake President in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  Romney then flipped back to pro-life as Governor of Massachusetts when he vetoed a bill to allow the use of aborted fetuses in stem cell research.  He has been consistently pro-life ever since.  It is not that Mr. Romney's views are in total disagreement with the Christian Right.  The CR simply uses Mr. Romney stance on abortion as a sword against him.  There have been instances where other candidates have taken a stand similar to Romney's whom they have forgiven.

7.  Homosexuality.  The State Supreme Court in Massachusetts ruled that prohibiting same-sex marriage violated the state constitution when Romney was governor.  Romney pushed for an election, similar to what other states have passed, for a constitutional amendment to prohibit same-sex marriage.  This bill was defeated twice by the legislature.  When that bill was defeated, Romney himself did sign some same-sex marriage licenses.  The CR contents that this is evidence of how Mitt has flip flopped on the issue.  Romney does support rights for homosexuals, but in his speeches, he has consistently been an opponent of same-sex marriage and civil unions.  Romney has worked with the Log Cabin Republicans...a group of Republicans who support gay rights, but are otherwise consistent in the support of GOP causes.  This is one of the biggest disagreements between Romney and the Christian Right.

This, by the way, is not inconsistent with the stance of the LDS church.  The church to which Romney belongs does oppose same-sex unions, but has been supportive of legislation to eliminate discrimination against LGBT in employment and housing.  They supported one such law in Salt Lake City, when all of the city council members were LDS.

8.  Health Care.  As governor of Massachusetts, Romney signed a bill providing for broader health care in his state.  This has been dubbed, Romneycare.  Many have stated that this was the template for Obama Care.  This is one of the big issues dogging Romney today, who maintains that his health care plan was a state solution to a state problem.  While he opposes a federal mandate for health insurance, there was a state mandate in Massachusetts.  Romney stated that he will sign a waiver for all 50 states to exempt them from Obama care and allow them to pursue state health care plans.

Astroturf Republican opinion on all this.

The differences between Mitt Romney and his Tea Party critics boil down to three issues.  1.  His religion.  2.  His stance on LGBT rights and 3.  The Massachusetts health care plan known as Obama care.  Many will say that he has flip flopped on abortion, but he has been on the pro-life side since he vetoed the stem cell bill in Massachusetts.  People use this as an excuse, where others are allowed to "repent" of their repugnant issues.

Romney is not the perfect presidential candidate.  That person, we have maintained, does not exist.  There are those who are closer to our beliefs than Mitt Romney, but the did not have the organization to wrestle the nomination away from Romney.  If Romney continues to build a delegate lead, it is time for the other get out before they cost anyone a chance to beat Obama in November.