The Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate in ObamaCare, meaning that the government can force you to purchase insurance. But that does not mean that conservatives should hang their head in shame or that Nancy Pelosi should be spinning cartwheels. In reality, the Supreme Court may have handed Mitt Romney a victory in November.
They ruled that the individual mandate in ObamaCare is constitutional because it is technically a tax increase. Which is, in a sense, true. Anything that the government requires a person to pay is a tax...everything, even if it is not labeled a tax. All tolls, fees, surcharges, duties, tariffs, levies, charges and evaluations are really taxes. A tax by any other name is a tax. Now my medical insurance premiums are a tax.
Conservatives attacked ObamaCare from the wrong angle to begin with. If the words, "the largest tax increase in history" were used from the beginning, perhaps this bill would have become to unpopular for Congress to swallow, and it would not have become law. But now, it is fuel for the fire for Mitt Romney and any person running against any one in Congress who voted for the bill. If we call it what it is, perhaps Congress will be more willing to repeal it.
Every American should look at their latest paycheck and do as I am doing for you now....I do not mind sharing this with you know, because I am getting a raise in July, so I am not really revealing what I am now getting paid. I am also not revealing whether I get paid weekly, monthly or bi-monthly.
My gross pay from my last check was 1632.64. My medical insurance premium was 193.33. According to the Supreme court, that is a tax because health insurance is mandatory and considered a tax. Here is how the rest of it breaks down: 65.86 in Federal Income Taxes, 57.29 in Social Security taxes and 9.78 in Medicare taxes. That means that I paid 336.26 in taxes on my last paycheck. That is about 21% of my income directly out of my paycheck in taxes, where it used to only be 132.93 or about 8%. Because the health care insurance premium is now a tax, my taxes just went up by 144%. That's right...Barrack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi passed a 144% tax increase to me and the Supreme Court upheld it.
Also, remember that 193.33 is just my share. I only pay about 40% of the total premium and my company pays the rest. Do you think that my company, which already pays the highest business taxes in the world appreciates having another big tax increase levied on them?
Every American that pays health insurance premiums should look at their last paycheck and see the same thing. What was once an employer/employee co-paid benefit is now a tax.
The only good news is that health care premiums can not be taxed because that would amount to double taxation....we tax what we have already taxed.
Do you think that Mitt Romney can get some traction out of those numbers? If he doesn't, he's a fool. Think that Obama can keep playing his...the "rich should pay their fare share" card any longer? That probably wouldn't be a good idea, after the largest tax increase in history. If the Supreme Court says this is a tax increase, Mitt Romney should run with that, trump it loud and clear and not let America forget it. America should go to the polls in November with the words, "it was a tax increase" fully on their minds. Am I happy about my 144% tax increase? No, I am not. Am I happy that my taxes will go up even higher in January? No, I am not. Do I want to see that change? Yes, I do!
Obama promised us hope and change, what he meant was, "when I get through with your paycheck, all that you will have left is hope and change." Let's hope for real change.
But then again, Mitt Romney did the same thing in Massachusetts, so he may not get the traction out of this that someone else would have. But who else was there?