There are versions of this amendment going around facebook. Here is how I would write it. I call it the Exemption Amendment.
Article 1:
No member of the executive, legislative or judicial branch of government shall be exempt from the laws, regulations and fiats they pass upon the American People. Nor shall any law be valid which gives members of the executive, legislative or judicial branches of government benefits which are not available to every civilian employee of the United State Government or the the citizens of the United States, except to protect the safety of those said leaders from assassination or any other crime of which is solely the risk of their office.
Article 2:
Whenever disagreements over the Federal Budget cause the government to shut down, members of congress will not be paid until the disagreement is resolved. Members of the US Armed Forces and other Federal Employees who will not be excused from duty during the shut down will be paid.
The purpose of this amendment is to formally recognize that the President, Members of Congress and members of the Judiciary from the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court down to every federal judge are not above the laws that they create. Nor does their election nor appointment, whichever the case may be, give them special privileges; except to recognize the risk they take by taking office and to protect them.