Reasons, other than the gay leader question, for the LDS church to discontinue their relationship with the Boy Scouts of America.
- LDS Scouting is not a world-wide program. Outside of the United States, there is not a relationship between the LDS church and scouting organizations in most countries. In some other countries, charter of troops by religious organizations is strictly forbidden. To be consistent world-wide, the church should have the same program for all of its young men.
- In LDS some wards, the scout troop is an organization unto itself, operated by life-long scouts, outside the direction of the Bishop and the priesthood. Priesthood leaders often allow those outside of the Priesthood organization to run their scout troops unchecked. In such troops, those life-long scouts will often reject direction and council from the Bishop or those called to assist him.
- Priesthood leaders often do not ensure that adult volunteers are properly trained.
- Too often, the purposes of scouting and the purposes of the Aaron Priesthood are not intertwined like they should be.
- Scouting can create inequality among the youth and create divisions within Aaronic Priesthood quorums where boys should be taught that all of them are equal.
- Scouting is a great way to develop leadership skills, but often only the boys that show natural leadership skills are chosen for leadership positions. Nearly all boys will eventually become husbands and fathers and will need leadership skills in those capacities. Those who do not have natural leadership abilities who become leaders in the troop or quorum are often not trained.
- Even though scouting positions are not necessarily priesthood positions, women are excluded from leading troops, especially from the 12 year old scouts and beyond.
- Not enough emphasis on the scouting program once a boy turns 14 and enters the Teacher's Quorum. At this age, boys should be part of Varsity or Venture scouting groups.
- Even though scouting is an organization outside the church, non-members are often excluded from participating in scouting, even when there are not other scout troops inside the community. If they are included, usually it is with the sole purpose of being a proselyting tool.
- LDS members will still be free to participate in scouting, even without the church chartering units.
- Even though there are scouting programs for young women, there are no LDS-sponsored scout troops for girls.
- Scouting requires the church to raise money outside the collection of tithes and other offerings and the accountability of the Ward Clerk and Church Auditors.
- Senior full-time adult scouting leaders at the council level and at the national level are paid, sometimes handsomely, for their work.
- For many, scouting is a gospel hobby. This means that one's conviction of the church rests solely upon the scouting program.
- Some adults in the church will only accept church callings within scouting. Some adult members of the church will never accept a church calling in scouting.
- There has been sex abuse in the past with adult volunteers in scouting, even inside of LDS-sponsored organizations.
- The Boy Scouts of America will continue with or without the sponsorship of the LDS Church. In fact, scouting will probably adjust to not having the LDS church with so much power.