Michael Jackson, RIP
-This is my first post since the death of Micheal Jackson, who was the Frank Sinatra of my high school years. Thriller was climbing the charts when I was in 9th grade. I remember when the DJ was forced to stop playing "Beat It" at a 9th grade dance because people were adding a certain word to the chorus. (And if you can't figure out what that is, ask me in person.) And no one that I knew could do the moon walk, although a lot of us thought we could. I hope that his estate works out to the point where his kids are well taken care of. I also think the similarities between the life of Elvis and Michael Jackson are eerie.
Cap and trade
-I think that we need to be good, conscious stewards of our planet. But this is not the way to do it.
Here is the other side of the story:
This will transfer jobs alright...give employers another excuse to off-shore work.
The author of this editorial also does not remember that there has not been one new nuclear plant in the US since the 3-mile island accident.
We also need more hydroelectric dams. I know of two good places in Eastern Utah that will make good dam sites...and it does not involve a controversial site east of Vernal. My ideas are on the Green River in the Grey Knolls area. The other place in on the Dolores River just downstream from the mouth of Burro Canyon. Both places are very desolate, but accessible. The Grey Knolls site on Ute Nation Tribal land and it will be a bigger boon to these natives than a casino would be. Especially if they are given control of any recreational facilities, including marinas, campgrounds, cabin sites and motels. Once enough electricity is generated to pay for the dam, the profits will go to the Ute Nation as well.
-It's a bummer, because I thought he had a legitimate shot at being our next President. I hope that his wife and children are well.
Who will be the GOP nominee in 2012?
These are the people I think have a legitimate shot at beating Obama in 2012
-George Petaki...where was he in 2008? He is a real fiscal conservative and is a consensus builder.
-Rick Perry...longest serving governor in Texas history.
-Sarah Palin...if she stops whining.
-Tim Pawlenty...it is a good thing he is waiting on the sidelines for the Coleman/Franken thing to work out.
-Haley Barbour...he has a slim shot if he picks the right VP.
-Mike Huckabee...his TV show on fox was a step in the wrong direction...but it did change my opinion about him.
-Mitt Romney...the bottom line, he proved that he was electable in a blue state, but not re-electable. This fact is bigger than his religion.
-Newt...need I say more.
The best VP for the GOP in 2012. Matt Ryan.