Miss California--Canning her says more about the Miss USA pageant than it does about Carrie.
Letterman vs Palin--Says more about Letterman than it does about Palin.
Tehran Protests--Says a lot about the leadership in Iran, doesn't it?
See a trend? Often our actions do indeed speak louder than our words. You know, I don't get a lot of readership on this blog. It's more of an outlet for me than it is for anything else. Politically, I am as active as anyone I know. I have two former state legislators in my neighborhood. Their actions speak loader than their words. So do mine.
If I wanted a lot of readers on this blog, I would post pictures of Megan Fox topless. But alas, I guarantee that you will not see anything here that you would be embarrassed to show to your grandmother.
But if you like this blog, there are three things that you can do. 1. Tell your friends. 2. Link it to your blog. 3. Visit the advertisers.
That's all.