There is an article appearing in newspapers all over the country today stating that 45 percent of registered Republicans surveyed are less that satisfied with the GOP field shaping up for 2012. Usually, I would shrug off this kind of survey as an effort by the in-love-with-Obama media to demean the potential GOP field. This case, I do not. I have spoken in person with many Republicans since the election of Obama, and I believe that the 45 percent may be understated a little bit.
If you ask me, and since you are reading my blog, you did; this is the negative effect that the Tea Party and talk radio have had on the Grand Old Party. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck and others have always stated that they are critical of Republicans when warranted, and they are. Those of you who lean to the left don't believe it, but it is true. The trouble is that they have led the GOP base into believing that there is some demigod out there, a second coming of Ronald Reagan, who will lead this country back to Morning in America. Truth is, all potential Presidential Candidates have flaws and all have areas that the Obama campaign will be able to exploit. We will collectively have to decide which flaws we can live with.
We all know about Romneycare, the fact that Ron Paul was once (and perhaps still is) a Libertarian, Newt's former wives and the circumstances about his divorces and Huntsman's stance on environmental issues and Gay Rights. But even Ronald Reagan had flaws.
If Reagan were running in today's GOP, his conservative opponents would have been all over him for some of his flaws,and some of the things that were done when he served as Governor of California.
His stance on abortion was not clear in 1980 and there were those who believed that Reagan was actually pro-choice and not pro-life. As Governor of California, he signed the controversial "Theraputic Abortion Act," which was designed to reduce the number of "back room" abortions. This bill allowed for abortion where the life and well-being of the mother were compromised. A exception that many conservatives consider acceptable today, but not all. Because the line was not clearly drawn, this bill has to date been blamed for over 2 million abortions. Reagan later admitted that this was a mistake. (He used language that many suggest Romney use to distance himself from health reforms in Massachusetts.)
It is not well known today, but well known in the 1970s that Reagan hiked taxes in California to balance the state budget. My how conservatives today would jump all over that one. To his credit, he also froze government hiring in the state as well.
As Governor, Reagan signed the first of its kind no fault divorce law. Many defenders of marriage today consider this act, with Ronald Reagan's signature, as being the first step in weakening marriage today. The first step in leading to our fight against Gay Marriage today.
He was also the former President of the Screen Actor's Guild, a labor union. It is well known that Labor and the GOP are not exactly bunk-mates.
Running today, conservatives would have jumped all over these flaws. But Reagan's conservative legacy as President is clear and often cited by GOP wannabees as the politician they would most like to emulate. Even as Governor of California, Reagan led out as a conservative. One of his campaign slogans was, "send the welfare bums back to work." He advocated less government intervention to allow the economy to grow. As president, the Reagan Revolution expanded the military, contributed to the end of the Cold War and reduced reliance on government programs.
As you can see by examining Reagan's flaws, that no candidate is perfectly conservative. But that's the beauty of it all. We don't have to be perfect. In 1980, Reagan's GOP opponents were moderates and progressives. Today, nearly all of the GOP field have excellent conservative credentials. What needs to be the focus for the GOP is to find someone who has the charisma to win in 2012 and will begin his own or her own revolution. I suggest, as a Republican, we begin looking past some of the perspective candidates faults and look for someone who can win.