Entrepreneurship is the answer.
Jim Boehner is right. At the current levels of government revenue, it will take 20 years to balance the budget and another 30 years beyond that to pay off the National Debt. The answer is not another round of challenging incumbent Republicans. There is only so much that can be done with the revenues that the government is pulling in right now. Plus, it would be political suicide to completely get rid of entitlement programs all together. The Government has got to find a way to increase revenue. America, for lack of a better analogy, needs a second job.
Sure, what do you do when you run out of cash from month to month and can not make ends meet? Once you have cut the family budget as much as you can, you get another stream of income. You get a second job.
Trouble is, that during this economy, business start ups have been at record highs. When you can not get a job, then starting one seems logical. But these businesses are not taking off to the point where governments are reaping in massive tax revenues. The reason is simple. Someone who is down on their luck and broke is not going to have a lot of cash to begin a new business in the first place. Their business is going to be very slow at first, and take years to start...if it gets going at all. Starting a business that has a chance of success in a few months or years takes someone with a lot of his own capital to invest, both cash and time. Usually, three years of savings to last the family is a minimum.
As such, the government, particularly the current administration and congress should not look at entrepreneurship as a negative thing. It is something to be encouraged and respected. Eventually, it will lead to greater revenues which will help Congress balance the budget and pay the national debt.