On Hannity yesterday, Michelle Bachmann says that the Obama regime fears her candidacy. Of course, she has shown the type of penchant, that only a politician can, at stretching the truth. Every politician does to some degree, but Bachmann has shown the type of truth stretching that only a Nazi could be proud of. Either that, or she is showing us the intelligence that we are missing in George W. Bush.
Not that this matters to the Tea Party. They would rather push a political novice than someone who agrees with them on 95% of the issues. Which, by the way, is about where Mitt Romney and other more moderate republicans lie. This is why the Tea Party is a danger to the Republican party. At one point, when you involve yourself in party politics, you have to decide if you are going to support someone who you only have 95% in common with who can win, or to continue to support someone who is a sure loser.
The trouble with Bachmann is this: If you wish to spin yarn and convince the voters in Minnesota's 6th congressional district to vote for you, that is one thing. But the President of the United States is different. Running for President, you have every news organization in the world fact checking everything you say. Half truths in presidential politicking have brought down more powerful people than Michelle Bachmann.
Now, I know that most of the people who read this are going to come back with a statement like, "Mitt Romney flip, flops" or "anyone is better than Obama" or something along those lines. My answer to you is this, at least ____________ (fill in the blank with Romney, Perry, Huntsman, Pawlenty, Gingritch, etc.) knows that John Quincy Adams was not at the Constitutional Convention, his father was. And yes, that does matter considering the President will chose the next Supreme Court Justice and appoints other judges to the bench. And yes, Mitt Romney has flip-flopped in his career, but who hasn't? Every politician spins and stretches the truth. But not to the extent that Bachmann already has. There is a limit to what voting Americans can handle.
One other thing about Michelle Bachmann and flip, flop. If there is any candidate for the GOP nomination who talks one way and votes another, it is Bachmann. Please examine her voting record, especially if you think the troop surge in Iraq was a good thing. She is only 9Publish Post8% Tea Party. No one in the race is 100% Tea Party.
Let's bring one fact to the forefront in answering the question about whether Obama feels threatened by Bachmann. There are three men who the Obama re-election campaign is focused on. Two of the three are former Governors, and the other is a current Governor. Bachmann is not a current or former state governor. A member of the House of Representatives has never beaten a sitting US President. If Bachmann becomes the GOP nominee, we are almost guaranteed to have another four years of Obama. History says so. But the American people will have the final say so.