Who would you hire to be the CEO of your firm. Your company has experienced struggles in the current economy.
Candidate A
You are interviewing a job candidate who is not only sharp looking but says all the right things. This manager is considered a fast-track candidate. But in your investigation, you find out that she quit her last job because the going got a little rough.
Candidate B
You are interviewing someone else who also looks sharp and says all of the right things, but you review your files and find that you interviewed the same person four years earlier, and found that he changed his story on at least one major interview question. Otherwise this person is a capable leader and has a proven track record of strong performances. He even turned around a failing division.
Candidate C
Another person on the docket. Another who has a proven track record. This person left his job with your firm and worked for the competition for 2 years and now wants to come back. But he was able to make a strong performing division better.
Candidate D
Another candidate for your job is internal. Always on the edge as a leader in some issues, does not always walk the company line. But a few years back, came through like a champ when circumstances were about to put the firm out of business. He turned around a large failing division about 15 years ago.
Candidate E
He took over the same job from a manager who later filled the same position you are now interviewing for. Never really a superstar in his own right, but his team is leading the firm. Not the most charismatic leader, but proven effective. But his division has never experienced poor performance and his ability to turn around the company may be in question because he has never done it before.
Which candidate would you chose?