Rick Perry is hitting the campaign trail. His record on his state's economic performance during the recession has indeed been better than the national average. The unemployment rate has been better than the national average and the number of new jobs created has also been better than the national average. Kudos to Texas for this, and kudos to Perry for being at the helm.
But, there is one state (there have been several) whose record on unemployment and job creation has actually been better than Texas. And one of Perry's rivals for the GOP nomination can take credit for it. Utah has had a lower unemployment rate than Texas throughout the recession. And Utah has created more jobs per capita than Texas throughout the recession. And one of Perry's GOP rivals was at the helm for much of the time. John M. Huntman, Jr. has a better record of unemployment and job creation than Rick Perry.
Also, look at the region in which these states reside. Texas is better than the national average, but has the worst unemployment rate in it's region. The Texas unemployment rate is worse than Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. Among it's neighbors, Texas is the worst--unless you count Northeast Mexico.
Utah is a little better compared to it's neighbors. Utah's unemployment rate is worse than Wyoming and New Mexico. But it is about even with Montana, and better than Colorado, Idaho, Arizona and Nevada.
If you are looking at who can really lead us out of the recession, and you are looking at Rick Perry, you can probably pick someone better. Perry can look good next to Romney, because Mitt left office in 2006. Compared to some of the others in the race, Perry does not look so good.
But do not take my word for this, check the BLS website for yourself.