Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Telling the whole story...The Record on Jobs for declared GOP candidates.

Every GOP candidate is touting their record on jobs. Truth is, no one really has a good jobs record. Perry does not, Romney does not. Bauchmann and Paul have been in congress and do not have a job record to stand on. Huntsman, is not bad, but there are better examples than anyone running for President. But let's examine the record of Presidential candidates first.

Mitt Romney took over the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in 2003 and was in office until 2007. Unemployment in his tenure mirrors the national average.

Rick Perry became governor of Texas in 2001 and he has remained since. The unemployment rate was higher than the national average in Texas in 2001 and Texas was hit harder by the dot com bust than the nation as a whole. Right around May, 2007 the unemployment rate in Texas dips lower than the national average and constantly stays below the national average from that point until now. But it still mirrors, mostly the national mark. At best, late 2009, the rate in Texas is nearly 2% below the national mark, but in 2011, when the unemployment rate in the US dips, the rate in Texas remains the same.

Buddy Roemer served as Governor of Louisiana from 1988 to 1992. During his tenure as Governor the unemployment rate in his state was always much higher than the national average.

Gary E. Johnson was New Mexico's governor from 1998 to 2003. When he took over as his state's chief executive, unemployment was much higher than the national average. Therefore, when unemployment in his state caught the national average in 2001, it was an accomplishment. The rate in New Mexico mirrored the national average from that point on until this year. New Mexico has been a real jobs miracle. This year, the rate started at the national average and has now dipped to 6.7%

John M. Huntsman, Jr became governor of Utah in 2005. At that time, the unemployment rate in the Beehive State was very close to the national average. But Huntsman's predecessor has began the Utah Miracle. Unemployment was already declining faster than the national average when Huntsman took over. In March of 2007, unemployment in Utah was at a record low of 2.7%. In August of 2009, when Huntsman left office, the unemployment rate in Utah leveled off in the 7's, where the unemployment rate in the US leveled off in the 10's.

Who is the best on Jobs? I rank the candidates, that were governors as follows...

1. Huntsman
2. Johnson
3. Perry
4. Romney
5. Roemer

There is one state with a job performance better than any one running for President. In January of 2010, their rate peaked at 7.6%. It has been in constant decline ever since. Now, their unemployment rate is at a national low of 5.7%. The state, Wyoming. Former governor Dave Freudenthal and current governor Matt Mead deserve props for this.
