Monday, December 12, 2011

What it will take to get an electric car?

I was looking at the specifications for the Nissan Leaf, which is a step to where electric cars will become the norm.  This will help the pollution in big cities if certain conditions are met.  Here are those condition.

The electric car will need to be comparable to the gasoline car in every respect.

1.  It will need to run 350-400 miles are more between charges.  Now, the Nissan Leaf runs 100 miles between charges.
2.  It will need to be able to charge in 10 to 15 minutes.  Right now, the Leaf needs to be plugged in overnight.
3.  It will have to cost less than 20,000 new.  Right now, the leaf costs 32,000.
4.  One requirement has been met.  The Leaf will go 90 MPH.

So, there is some work to do.  It must also be pointed out that for electric cars to really take off in the United States, we will need the capacity to produce more electricity.  Much more than we have now.  We will really need a much heavier investment into non-coal power sources including hydro-electric and nuclear power.  The Nissan Leaf, however, is a step in the right direction.  It does not necessarily reduce our carbon footprint, but it does step us away from dependence on foreign sources of fuel.  That is a step in the right direction for America.  It will keep more of our hard-earned dollars in the United States.

I would love to see a day when not only passenger cars can have electric engines, but long-distance trucks, trains, ships and air craft.