It is baffling to many of us as to why the Tea Party has thrown their support to Newt Gingrich. I have found three reasons why this is the case.
1. Gingrich was not in Congress during the mid-2000s. The Tea Party has been focused on cleaning house of the Republicans who were in congress from 2000 to 2008 and to blame them for the recession that we have been mired in since. Because Gingrich was not in Congress or government at that time, he is free from blame. Newt did not vote to authorize wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Newt did not vote for the post-Katrina spending spree. Newt had nothing to do with Medicare Part-D. Newt did not vote for the Bush-era tax cuts. Newt did not vote for the bailouts of Fannie and Freddie. Newt did not vote for the other bail-outs of 2008. Newt did not vote for cash for clunkers. Newt did not vote for porkulus. All of the other GOP candidates are not entirely free from this stain because they were all in office and did not do enough to prevent the collapse of the housing market and the bail-outs the ensued afterwards. Newt also did not sign a health insurance mandate, either.
2. Gingrich was partly responsible for the Contract with America. This was the last time, in the view of many Tea Party members, that the GOP really was united and stood for something. He was Speaker the last time the Federal Budget was balanced. He successfully pushed welfare reform and many other programs that Tea Party people are proud of. He introduced tax relief.
3. Many have taken to Newt's confession of marital problems and forgiveness and have personalized it.
Here is my rebuttal.
1. True, Newt was not in Congress during the mid-2000s, but he was indeed lobbying for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in fact profited quite a bit from it. He is just as much to blame for the economic meltdown of 2008 as anyone in government including his chief rivals. Four of his rivals were state governors at the time and all of them balanced their state budgets and none of them voted for any of the runaway spending of the late 2000's.
Let's take a look at Mitt Romney, the only person who seems to be able to knock Newt from the top of the hill at this time. Mitt did not vote for the Bush-ear tax cuts. Nor did Mitt vote to authorize the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Mitt did not vote for the post-Katrina spending spree. Mitt did not vote for Medicare-Part D. Mitt did not vote for any of the bial-outs. Mitt did not vote for porkulus nor cash for clunkers. Mitt's hands are not entirely clean in these matters, but there are no dirtier nor cleaner than Newt's.
2. Gingrich did accomplish many things as House Speaker. But during his time as Speaker, he was not only at odds with the Clinton Administration, but with many in his own party. He was the only House Speaker ever to be indicted on ethics violations, may in his own party voted to convict him. There are also plenty of Tea Party allies who are not at all happy with the prospect of Newt becoming the GOP nominee.
It is true that the budget was balanced when Newt was speaker, it is not true that he cut the budget to get it done. Spending actually increased by almost 15% when Newt was speaker while revenue increased by 18%. In your household, if you managed your personal finances this way, you could look like a hero to your family. Again, the surplus came from increased revenue, not from disciplined spending.
Don't forget that Newt has lambasted real Tea Party conservatives like Congressman Matt Ryan.
Here are some links.
Weekly Standard
Ann Coulter
Here is a funny transcript from Rush Limbaugh trying to tap dance his way around talking down Newt, and then talking up Newt. Rush has been famously on both sides of Newt.
Michael Savage
Brit Hume
Rich Lowry
3. I have no rebuttal. Religion is personal. The only problem I have with this is the number of times Newt has dragged out his own dirty laundry and aired it. Maybe it was needed and maybe it was not. I believe that when a person repents, he will confess and foresake his sins. Newt definitely has the confession part down. No one has come forward with proof that he has cheated against his current wife, Callista. I have no reason to doubt Newt's sincerity in this matter. Gingrich has enough other flaws that GOP Primary voters need to think about. Unless a new allegation of adultery is brought forth, then we should leave this one alone.