First of all, I want to reiterate my support for a Tobacco Tax increase in Utah. I support the moderate increase that has passed the legislature. I know that a lot of people that I pal around with, politically would disagree. They see the tax as a tax on the minority to serve the majority. But I do not see it that way. People do not have to use tobacco. Ideally, we should not collect one thin dime from tobacco taxes. We can make the tobacco tax go away tomorrow, if we wish. This is a voluntary tax. So if you choose to smoke, the taxpayers of Utah thank you. Please quit now.
Now, if you see a Bob Bennett add on this blog, please understand that this is a Google Ads mistake. I do not make enough money from ads on this blog to care either way. And I am embarrassed to admit that I do not know how to remove it. I have chosen who I support for the Senate Campaign. Keep reading.
Otherwise, I have been to a couple of 9/12 meetings. I wish that I could join, but beginning a doctorate later this spring will limit the time that I can physically contribute to political causes. I will continue to serve, if elected, as a precinct chair. This means that I will be stumping for GOP candidates this fall as my schedule permits. I want to see this through until Orrin Hatch either retires or is defeated. I will blog when I can.
In the past few months, however, I have changed my mind on a few issues. I am going to hold off on calling for constitutional amendments, for now. I have been talking and reading a lot about topics for a long time, and I think that I like the constitution the way that it is now. I only have one amendment in mind that I think is still needed.
I no longer think that we need a balanced budget amendment. We need a disciplined Congress. We need to elect representatives that will work to balance the budget, even in hard times. We all need to avoid debt, but just like there are times for you and me when debt is necessary, there are also times when public debt in necessary. But those times are rare.
I will currently back off on the Marriage Amendment. We have a 120+ year precedent in this country that says that one man and one woman make a marriage, and we do not need to amend the constitution to protect marriage. That was decided by the Supreme Court in 1888. We do not need a constitutional amendment when we have Stare Decisis. We need to respect and abide by all of our case law. We can not pick and choose. The decision to support Edmunds/Tucker is as valid as Roe v. Wade.
Right now, I am backing off of a term limits amendment. We should not need it. It seems like it takes less than one term for certain people to become corrupted in Washington. If they are touchable, then it will happen quickly. If there is no other way to ensure an honest congress, then let's have term limits. I think that we need to better use the party systems, especially here in Utah, to hold our representatives accountable. We have given our congress a pass, especially here in Utah, based upon their party.
The amendment that I am still stumping for is the Line-Item Veto Amendment. This seems to be the only way to target earmarks. However, the President will likely allow certain earmarks to pass, the ones that benefit certain allies, while embarrassing enemies. Therefore, for earmarks it would have to be an all-or-nothing proposition to keep the proper balance between the executive and legislative branches.
My solution for the abortion problem: Require any woman who wants an abortion to notify the father. Require the father to pay for at least half of the procedure. Hold the father partially liable for any complications. The negative effects of pregnancy fall far to much upon the mother. If men share more of the consequences, the need for abortion would decline.
Now, I do not agree with everything Glen Beck says, he is a little too alarmist. Rush Limbaugh is not right as much as he says he is. I do not like it when Sean Hannity talks or shouts over someone he disagrees with. But it is entertaining.
There are going to be negative consequences for the actions of Congress and the President in the last four years, but we still have time to avoid them. This election is critical. Here in Utah, we have a chance to send a message that will reverberate to the entire nation by sending Bob Bennett home.
I support groups that want to return our government closer to the constitutional republic that we are. The word Republican means that we are in support of our republic. In support of Freedom. We are moving far too close to total government and need to step back. People are the solution to our problems, not government. I will take anyone I agree with 80% of the time. Therefore, I announce my support of Cherilyn Eager for Senate in Utah. She's not perfect, but as good as we are going to get.