I have not blogged on this site for a while, and I thought I would check in tonight about the appointment of Scott Matheson, Jr. to the appeals court.
Scott Matheson, Jr. is the son of former governor Scott Matheson. And he is the brother of Congressman Jim Matheson. Jim is one of the so called "Blue Dog" Democrats that President Obama needs to win over to get health care reforms passed.
Scott Matheson is probably well qualified and would likely make a good appeals court judge. He may even make the Supreme Court. He is the dean of one of the better law schools in the country. You do not arise to that position without being good at both the law and politics.
The trouble is the timing. In politics, it is almost all perception. Weather or not the political payoff is real, it still looks and smells like a skunk. In this case, it may simply be that she-cat that is being chased by Pepe LePew just because of a stray paint brush. But notice how the Parisians in these cartoons react.
Sometimes in politics, the reality does not matter, it is the perception of that reality that is the problem. It might be a good idea to set the nomination aside for a while. That is until the whole health care deal dies down, one way or another.
For reference, here is a link to a Pepe LePew cartoon.