I know what you meant when you said, "vote for the bill and then you will be able to see what is in it away from the fog of Washington." Even if the pundits have been all over this statement. But let's be honest, it is much different than a car dealer saying, "take this car home, believe me it will look much better in your driveway than it does in this lot." Would you buy the car?
Let's be honest about one aspect of this health care bill. It is really nothing more than a new entitlement. It will become another third rail of politics. An entitlement program that can not be repealed. Even if the means to pay for it are unsustainable. If this bill survives to where people experience the benefits, then it will be political suicide for anyone who attempts to repeal it.
Just like buying a used car, it is buyer beware. It could be a cherry, or it could be a lemon. We know when we are getting a snow job, and taxpayers and voters are smarter than that.