I do not know why the Alaska Governor has quit. The argument, how can a person be president when that person can not hack the job of being the governor of one of the lesser-populated states is one that should permanently kill her presidential aspirations. I think that it is too bad that people attempt to make her the scapegoat of the McCain campaign. The real scapegoat should be George W. Bush, McCain's colleagues in congress and unscrupulous bankers.
Is it too early to talk about who could be the GOP nominee in 2012? No, not in my humble opinion. Anyone wanting the job from the GOP side had better be doing their current job as if they will be the nominee. They will get a background check like they have never had before. You had better know the name of the dog of the Prime Minister of Burkina Faso, too.
The names that are almost certainly mentioned now are Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty.
Here are a list of other things that the GOP does not need right now.
1. Congressmen making tirades about the alleged sins of Michael Jackson. By now, he has already had to make an accounting of such. Let the Almighty take care of that now.
2. Junkets to exotic locations for summer vacation.
3. More affairs...perhaps we aught to have a politician come clean day in the near future.
I'm sure that we could go on and on.
One more thing. I had a call from a Senator Bennett campaign staffer today. Please retire, Mr Bennett.