Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hatch Oposes Sotomeyor

So...Orrin Hatch for the first time in his career will oppose a Supreme Court nominee. Here are all of the Supreme Court nominees he has supported, some of which are more liberal than the current nominee.

Nominated by Jimmy Carter

Nominated by Ronald Reagan
Sandra Day O'Connor
William Rhenquiet (For Chief Justice--already sitting)
Antonin Scalia
Robert Bork (Rejected by the Senate)
Anthony Kennedy

Nominated by George H. W. Bush
David Souter
Clarance Thomas

Nominated by Bill Clinton
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Stephen Breyer

Nominated by George W. Bush
John Roberts
Samuel Alito

When Alito was up for a vote in the full Senate, a filibusterer was attempted by the Democrats in the Senate. In explaining why he thought that Alito deserved an up or down vote, he explained that elections have consequences and the president had the right to nominate who he chose.

So, he knew what we were getting in Ginsberg. Far more liberal than "Whizzer" White. Whizzer desented on Roe v. Wade, but supported Civil Rights cases. Ginsberg was not a replacement. It was a liberal replacing a moderate back then. But Hatch did nothing to stop this woman from reaching the highest court in the land.

I am NOT saying that Sonia Sotomeyor is a great nominee for the court. Every indication is that she will be similar to the man she is replacing. I am saying that Mr. Hatch needs to be consistent...that is what Utahans deserve. Why make a stand now?