Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh

This letter to the Deseret News bothers me and makes me upset. The author of this letter is clueless and the D News editors should be ashamed by publishing it.

Here is where the author is wrong.

1. Sean Hannity is not the Republican Party, KSL or the LDS Church. He is a registered Conservative, which in the State of New York is an option. He is not a registered Republican. He is from Long Island and is a Roman Catholic.

2. The only reason he is on the air is because people listen to him. He connects with enough people to sell commercial time. If this was not the case, he would not be on the air.

3. What bothers me the most is that so many people call speech that disagrees with them hate speech. Just because you do not agree with what is said does not mean it is hateful.

Last week, Glen Beck went viral on a caller. She berated him. She wanted to know why he was against spending all of this money on health care reform when he was OK with the financial system bailouts last fall. Glen told the "pin head" to "get off the phone."

Brother Beck was wrong to yell at this woman, but I understand why he got upset. Beck WAS very critical of the bail-outs last fall. He was upset, extremely upset at the bail-outs last fall. That was when he gave his famous, "wake up America!" message on the phone.

This caller was trying to paint Beck into the same corner that Hatch, Bennett and many Republicans belong. There were many, including both of our Senators and Congressman Cannon who voted wrong on this issue. Even I thought it that the government needed to do something. But NOW these guys are being fiscally conservative. Why? Just because the Dems are in charge? But this label does not belong to Beck.

So take offense if you want to. But give people the same right that you have. To speak. That is their right. You also have the right to take offense, to take it as hate. But that hate belongs to you, not to the authors of talk radio. The thing about talk radio is that if their listeners go away, they will too. Offer the listeners something else, something better. Then Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck and everyone else will disappear.