Jim Matheson has caved. Simply by removing only 100,000,000,000 out of the 1,000,000,000,000 dollar health care bill, Matheson is on board. Matheson, who runs on being a fiscal conservative, considers it imoral to go a trillion in the hock for healthcare, but is OK with only 9 hundred billion. And then he immediately announces that he is running for re-election. Well, let's see if the GOPs in SL County can take advantage of this blunder.
And it now looks like they are trying. Well, they will have to find an acceptable alternative to Matheson in the state. There are plenty of Republicans in the district that Jim represents, but the 2nd district GOP has a history of falling on their own swords. Here are some that I can list by memory.
Alan Howe--thought he was soliciting a prostitute on 300 South, but it turned out to be an undercover cop.
Merrill Cook--Can't decide if he is really a Republican or a Libritarian
Enid Greene--Nice lady whose Ex- got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Dave Monson--Was the Lt to Jim's Dad as gov. Couldn't stand on his own.
Dan Marriott--Left congress just to loose the nomination for gov to a guy named Bangerter.
So, as you can see...the GOP in Utah's 2nd district does not have a good track record. Hopefully, there can be better days ahead.