Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bennet's story

Bob Bennett has said that his tax problems were an oversight by a business partner. Who is buying it? But the headlines have dissipated from the SL news, for now.

Now, on to this super-huge stimulus package. President Obama wanted bi-partisan support, and he did not get it. We the people have forgotten that bi-partisan means only one thing...compromise. The democrats give a little and the republicans give a little and meet somewhere in the middle. There was very little GOP input on this bill. Even if more republicans vote for it, that alone does not make it bi-partisan.

Make no mistake, the democrats are in charge now. They can do whatever they want and will get a lot of mileage blaming things on the Bush administration. And they will get a lot of mileage out of casting the wall-flower republicans as do-nothings.

The GOPs in congress need to come up with their own substantive plans and proposals. And if Shawn Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are the only media members that will give them the time of be it.