Saturday, August 29, 2009

Memo to Fox News...

Next time a big democratic senator dies, you will appear "fair and balanced" if you do not send Sean Hannity as a commentator.

Memo to the GOPs in Congress...

Some of you in Congress, including Bennett, are pushing a plan in Congress that is actually worse than Obama care. It requires businesses to provide insurance for their employees, where now it it just optional. Why will it be more costly? First, enforcement of the new law. It would require a new class of IRS auditors. Second, some businesses would close their doors if forced to provide insurance. Finally, companies that do still provide insurance to their employees would loose a recruiting advantage.

I once thought that Universal Coverage would be as simple as requireing all businesses to provide insurance, but I am re-thinking that position. If it makes Obamacare look good in comparison, no way.

My question: how can you really call yourself a Reagan Republican and completely ignore the supply side of the equation? The real complaint most people have about healthcare is the price. Demand is escalating, and there is very little you can do about it. This is because our population is aging.

Everything that is spoken of by republican commentators will work...a little. But there needs to be some serious supply-side solutions to relieve the pressures that are really driving up prices. If building more refineries and opening more oil fileds will help with energy costs, then training more providers, building more clinics and hospitals, making more pills and flooding the market with more of everything will bring down costs more than anything else that is being proposed right now.

Rest assured, that when Bennett votes for something, a cash register rings and someone makes a killing.