Monday, February 28, 2011

Utah State Senate approves bill to restore a full sales tax on food.

The six readers that follow this blog know that we are fairly consistent in our opposition to this.  The State Senate has passed the bill.  The action is still pending in the House.  For those in our Utah State Legislature who do not get it...let me spell this out in plain and simple language.

-A restored tax IS a tax increase!

Those of you in the legislature who voted in favor of this bill have violated your "No Tax Increase" pledge.

Please sign this petition asking Governor Herbert to veto this bill.  Please tell all of your friends to sign the petition as well. Post

Here is the list of members of the Utah State Senate who violated their "No Tax Increase" pledge and voted for this bill:

Howard Stevenson
Stuart Adams

Kudos to those who stood pat:

Michael Waddops

Lists will be updated.

Because the action is still pending in the house, we urge you to contact your state representative asking him or her not to support this bill.  Please follow this link to do so.