Saturday, February 4, 2012

Who would be a good running mate for Romney?

Mitt Romney has re-established himself as the GOP front runner, and likely it will remain that way barring a major failure on Super Tuesday...meaning something happens that would give another candidate nearly all of the delegates.  Mitt will likely need to name a running mate by Memorial Day, but if the race remains close, he may choose a running mate earlier to help push him over the top.  What qualities will Mr. Romney look for in a running mate?

1.  Provides some political balance.  In order words, if Mitt is perceived to be a moderate, or a right-center person, he would need someone who is perceived to be a little-bit more conservative.  Mitt needs someone who will help him unite the Palin, at first, did for McCain.  This will elmininate someone like Jon Huntsman from consideration.

2.  Geographical balance.  Mr. Romney is from the Northeast.  Likely, he will need someone from another region of the country.  This will eliminate Chris Christie or Kelly Ayotte.  Because of Romney's religion, someone from the west may not balance the ticket.  The choice should be from either the midwest or the south.

3.  A politically safe choice.  IE...if someone is in office, what are the chances that he or she will be replaced by a like-minded person.  Again, this would eliminate Christ Christie.

4.  Someone who can look credible when debating Joe Biden...believe it or not, the sitting Vice President does have the ability to win a debate or two.  A Dan Quayle-type person may not be the best option.  Someone young, like Quayle was, but articulate like Quayle was not.

5.  Someone who the country, in general, will feel good about being a heat beat away from the Presidency.  This includes someone with experience.  Someone who has been in the House of Representative before 2009, or has completed 1 term in either the Senate or as a governor.  Therefore, don't expect Romney to name someone like Chris Christie, Brian Sandoval, Nikki Haley, Susanna Martinez or Marco Rubio.

6.  Someone with a good conservative track record.

Here is who would be on my short list if I made recommendations to Mr. Romney.

House of Representatives

Eric Cantor from Virginia--Conservative score 63%
Jack Kingston from Georgia--Conservative score 68%
Paul Ryan from Wisconsin--Conservative score 81%
Mike Pence from Indiana--Conservative score 93%
Connie Mack from Florida---Conservative score 56%
Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee--Conservative score 84%

Former Congressmen and Congresswomen

JC Watts from Oklahoma--Conservative score 94%

US Senate

Jim DeMint from South Carolina--Conservative score 82%
Jon Kyl from Arizona--Conservative score 94%
Daniel Inhofe from Oklahoma--Conservative score 86%
Mike Johanns from Nebraska--Conservative score 77%

State Governors

Mitch Daniels from Indiana--Considered #10 most conservative state governor in 2006 by Free Republic where Mitt Romney did not make the list.
Tom Heineman from Nebraska--Considered #6 on the same list.
Bobby Jindal from Louisiana--Considered a leading conservative, but was not in office in 2006.
Former Governor Tim Pawlenty from Minnesota--Was #8 on the Free Republic list.

(Note: Jeb Bush was #1 and Rick Perry was #5).

I know that there are people out there that are hopeful for a Tea-Party friendly person such as Christie or Sandoval.  That would be a bold and risky as Palin was for McCain four years ago.  Any of the above would be a safer risk for Romney to choose and would add to the ticket instead of distract from it.