Thursday, January 26, 2012

Mr. Bishop Sets the Record Straight on SOPA

I received the following letter from the Honorable Rob Bishop of Utah's 1st Congressional District.

Dear Mr. Hunt:

Thank you for your letter concerning HR 3261 the Stop Online Privacy Act.

This bill is currently in the House Committee of the Judiciary, of which I am not a member.  However, if HR 3261 appears on the House Floor, I will not support it.

The Internet has proven to be a venue for extensive innovation and growth, which is very important and relevant in our society.  The Internet is largely unregulated by the federal government, and allowing federal oversight may hinder the continual progression and innovation created through the free use of the internet.

One of the driving forces behind the US economy is its ability to protect the property rights of its citizens.  Unfortunately, many foreign nations fail to respect those same rights overseas.  The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) may be a well-intentioned tool to protect intellectual property,  but I oppose it in its current form.  The Internet has seen an explosion of innovation and growth in large part because it has been void of the heavy hand of the federal government.  While I share the goals of protecting the freedom of the Internet and defending the rights of intellectual property owners, I have concerns that SOPA could lead to too much government intervention and control.

Again, thank you for your e-mail and please feel free to contact my office in the future.


Rob Bishop
Member of Congress.